The Miami Parklet Project aspires to transform our ideas about public space and its use. Our goal is to place parklets in various neighborhoods in the greater Miami area.
What is a Parklet? Simply put, a parklet is a parking space sized area used for recreational or beautification purposes.
A parklet is a small space serving as an extension of the sidewalk to provide amenities and green space for people using the street. It is typically the size of several parking spaces.
Parklets typically extend out from the sidewalk at the level of the sidewalk to the width of the adjacent parking space

Once constructed, our parklets would all contain these elements:
Seating for 8-10,
Shelter from Rain/Sun,
Edible and/or Beautiful Plants,
Charging Stations for Mobile Devices,
and each will have interactive audiovisual capabilities.
Seating for 8-10,
Shelter from Rain/Sun,
Edible and/or Beautiful Plants,
Charging Stations for Mobile Devices,
and each will have interactive audiovisual capabilities.

Each of the parklets would be designed by a different local artist or designer, working in concert with local stakeholders in their chosen region, as well as the M.P.P.’s core design team. The aim is to activate urban space for the citizens, and explore new modalities for the continued use of that space.

Data would be gathered about the process and made available to the public and local government via website, with the aim of demystifying and streamlining the local application and permitting process.